Valentines day.
In elementary school, that was all fun 'cause you got candy for no reason in particular. Now, it is just a dumb thing that causes stupid, idiotic Middle School drama that people, like me, have to deal with. It SUCKS. For instance, my very close friend just "dumped" a guy. Now, we have to deal with peoples' babyhollerin' cause that was "TOTALLY uncalled for," and now everything is awkward between the rest of my friends and the guy she "dumped," and he's all depressed cause now he doesn't 'have a valentine" (<- cause for upcoming ranting) All of this mainly cause of a stupid holiday! Valentine's is soooooo pointless. All it does is cause problems.
Another thing that causes problems is that at Dixon, they do a thing where you can buy a flower for a person and send it to them. That's all fun and stuff, but there's always that one girl who gets like 2 dozen flowers from a crapload of different guys. That one girl always makes the other girls who got nothing feel like crap, causing further, unnecessary drama. Bleh. :P
Like I said, the whole "Valentine" thing is another biggie thing that I hate. I hate it when people say, "Are you guys valentines?" um.. What the devil does that even MEAN?? My friend's all like, "Yeah, we're valentines." what? I don't get it. Yay, you're valentines! what?
Ew. And I also hate nasty little naked cherubs. They're gross.
Ugh. All in all, a stupid holiday. And, all in all, a pretty stupid post. ^ but I don't care. I hate valentine's day.